Host high quality events, attract more sponsors, earn revenue year-round

Event connection platform

Capture lightning in a bottle.

Use the Pearl platform to connect attendees, employers, and their opportunities — before, during, and after your event.
Quantify your event

Realtime analytics and demographics

Make it easy for sponsors to say yes to you by sharing important metrics with them.
Total views and clicks
Attendee demographics
Big wins, e.g. opportunities pursued, interviews, etc.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup
Facilitate quality connections

Branded page for your sponsors, attendees, and jobs

A live webpage with a custom URL, including:
Brand colors, links, & logo
Attendees, employers, and jobs
In-app messaging and scheduling
Earn revenue year round

Secure attendee sales platform

Everything your career fair needs, including
Set the sales price for exports
Share attendee portal with paid sponsors
Grant and revoke access year-round
Dashboard mockup
Trusted by events with 25k+ attendees


How do I report a bug I found on the Pearl app?

Submit it to our bug tracker here.

How does Pearl help me stand out at conferences?

By joining Pearl before an event provides jobseekers, you are able to get your work in front of decision makers early. This will help you stand out. We also will recommend candidates that seem compatible with employers' open roles. Lastly, we make requesting and organizing portfolio feedback easy, which will improve your chances of making a strong impression with employers.

I’m a conference organizer. How can I partner with Pearl?

We welcome conference and career fair partnerships. Our free resume book services can enhance your event. Email us to discuss details and schedule a call for personalized collaboration.

Hit us up

Bring us your problems and ideas.

Help us make the job search better for others like you.

Shoot us an email

For general inquiries.

Request a demo

See the current state of the product.
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Meet with us to get you set up.
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